Satnav for the Soul
A book by Susie Mitchell

After studying the traits of highly successful people for 28 years, this book brings these main talents together and identifies them in a simple and clearly focused way.

Life throws us ‘curveballs’ from time to time. This is where we learn ‘life’s lessons’ and this book helps us to keep on tract with living our purpose and achieving what ever we want in life, personally and professionally.

By having case studies of clients in the book, we realise we are not alone living the challenges of life, every issue can be overcome and move us forward into a compelling, rewarding, deserving future.

To learn about ourselves, and how and why we ‘tick’, is a realisation that anything in our life can be achieved and valued. We can truly live the way we deserve to live.

Sitting in our ‘rocking chair’ with the grandkids at 90 years young, have we done everything we wanted to do, and lived the best life? This book will open your eyes to what you need to be/do/have to fulfil the above statement.

Susie's poems

Some simple words to inspire
that capture Susie's boundless

click the bulb


Be grateful for everything and everybody in your life.

Susie on 'stress relief'